The Catahoula Leopard Dog is an American breed originally bred as a hunting dog with the qualities of a hound. It became a symbol of the prosperity of Louisiana, one of the US states, in 1979. There is an Indian area with the Catahoula Lake of the same name, where, according to one of the legends, an indigenous tribe bred the dog.

Nobility, innate intelligence, and noble origin – with these qualities a dog is associated with its homeland. She has a stately and interesting appearance: leopard color, which comes in different color variations, combined with light “transparent” eyes.

NameCatahoula Leopard Dog
Other NamesCatahoula leopard dog, Catahoula hog dog, Catahoula Cur, Catahoula hound, Leopard Dogs, Leopard Cur
Country of OriginUSA
Size typeMedium breed dogs
GroupHerding dog breeds
Lifespan10 – 14 years oldDog view Life span text
TemperamentGentle, Intelligent, Independent, Energetic, Inquisitive, Loving
HeightMales: 56–58 cm Females: 51–61 cm
WeightMales: 16–37 kg Females: 16–37 kg
ColorBrindle, Black, Red, Yellow, Red Merle Thrush, Black Marble
Price of PuppiesFrom 19,000 to 20,000 rubles (500 – 550 dollars)
Catahoula Leopard Dog is an American

Brief Information About The Catahoula Dog

The leopard dog (English catahoula leopard dog) is a hunter who masterfully manifests himself in practice. With its strong ability to smell and natural instincts, it hunts efficiently and chases after prey without attacking. A distinctive feature is that she does this without a single sound, raising her bark only at the moment of detection of prey. Some people believe that the Catahoula has very strong intuition and can track down animals really well.

Currently, the dog is mainly used as a shepherd. She skillfully keeps the herd, and controls and manages it.

Country 🇺🇸

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a breed of dog bred and popular in the United States. Outside this country is a rare breed. There are nurseries specializing in this species in Europe – Germany, the Czech Republic, and Russia.


Contrary to popular belief that the Catahoula dog is a hunting breed, according to the classification of the UKC, the American General Breed Registry, and the United Kennel Club, it belongs to the Herding Dog Group. This organization recognized her in 1995. She is not recognized by the FCI.


The coat of representatives of this breed can be short or have an average length. It is found to a smooth with a glossy sheen, and a hard texture. There is no undercoat, the coat itself is adjacent to the body. The dog sheds slightly.


A characteristic feature of the color of the Catahoula dog breed is the presence of leopard spots of various sizes throughout the body. This is determined by the Merle gene, which gives uneven coat color.

Color of the Catahoula Dog

There are many colors of these dogs. The most common variations:

  • Red Merle (leopard) – a variety of shades of brown, small white spots are acceptable.
  • Blue Merle (leopard) – shades of gray, from the lightest to darkest, almost black, there may be slight white spots.
  • Black (black leopard) – blue or gray spots, merle is weakly expressed.
  • Slate Merle (gray or silver) – a lighter version of blue Merle.
  • Multi-Colored – a mix of 3-5 colors, the main ones: black, gray, white, blue, and brown.

Besides the “leopard pattern,” it’s also okay to have “brindle patches” with stripes and “flaps” which are spots of different colors and sizes, appear randomly all over the body.

With any color of the dog, it should be clearly manifested, contrasting. Marble dogs are most desired, but solid-colored dogs that are black, yellow, red, or chocolate are also okay.

If a Catahoula has more than 70 percent white color, it is considered a serious problem. If a dog has more than 90 percent of its body covered in white fur or has a completely white head, it is not allowed to have babies and is taken away.

Color of the Catahoula


The height of adult males varies between 56-66 cm at the withers. Females are 51-61 cm tall.



Males of this breed have a weight of 19 to 37 kg, cases of a maximum weight of 51 kg are known. Females weigh 16-35 kg.


The leopard dog is very sociable but unobtrusive. It quickly becomes attached to the owner, becoming an excellent companion and reliable friend. She treats strangers coldly, stays on her guard, or becomes withdrawn until she gets used to them. It clearly divides people into “us” and “them”. Aggression without reason to a stranger does not show. Sometimes it shows intolerance towards relatives and other animals, and a warlike mood is not uncommon.

The dog is sometimes receptive and can be trained with ease both good and bad. The psyche of the breed is sometimes mobile, the dog can suddenly switch to its innate instincts and the needs of the hunter. To avoid such problems, the dog should be socialized and trained as early as possible, with regular exercise.


Catahoula is not recommended for keeping in an apartment. She needs space for long active walking with physical activity – running, jumping, swimming. A country house with a large adjacent territory is perfect. It is necessary to take into account the fact that dogs love to dig holes. These activities should be stopped immediately.

For a leopard dog, the best place to live will be a place where he can find a use for his instincts – this is a hunting estate or farm. In any case, the main condition is that the dog feels like a full-fledged member of the family.

It is not recommended to leave the dog isolated in an aviary for a long time, as he does not tolerate loneliness. It is impossible to chain a dog of this breed.


Females are ready for the birth of puppies at about the age of 1.5-2 years. As a rule, 5-6 puppies are brought in a litter. A very important point: it is forbidden to cross two merle dogs. In this case, the probability of the birth of puppies with physical and mental disabilities is very high.


The average life expectancy of this breed is 11-14 years.


The leopard catahoula is often used for hunting. Her inborn instincts allow her to drive small and medium games with ease. It is also an excellent herding dog, which perfectly manages even a large herd of animals. Currently used in this capacity most often.

The dog has proven itself as a participant in search and rescue operations. A good scent and high energy allow him to easily cope with the task. Can be used in the police or army as a bloodhound. Good in sports, for example, in agility. He is an excellent family dog, and an excellent friend and companion.

Catahoula is not used as a guard and watchman. The dog, of course, has a sense of “its own territory” and even protects it, but, in general, it is rather ineffective in this area.

Body Type

The well-built Catahoula Leopard Dog is a bit longer than it is tall. The line of the back slopes slightly downwards, beginning from a muscular part near the neck and going down to a flat back. The back is powerful and has a lot of muscles. It has a short and strong section that bends slightly upwards. A slightly longer back is okay in female dogs. The ribs are curved and start from the bones in our back. The chest is fairly wide and deep, reaching down to just below the elbow. When you view it from the side, the forecast appears as a soft curved shape (similar to an oval) located between the front legs. It is somewhat stretched out. The group is not too short or too long, and it has a gentle incline. A flat surface that curves a little should not be punished too much.

Maintenance and Care

This breed is not good for living in apartments. Ideal conditions – a country house or an aviary. With any option, the pet should feel like a full-fledged member of the family.

Needs serious exercise and long walks, without which he will be miserable.

  • Brush hair once a week.
  • Ears are examined 1-2 times a week.
  • The eyes are cleaned 2-3 times a week.
  • Teeth are brushed 1-2 times a week.
  • The nails are shortened as needed.
  • Bathe 2-3 times a month.
Maintenance and Care


For feeding a pet, industrial drying of Premium class and above for medium dogs and homemade food are suitable. With a natural diet, the menu contains:

  • Lean Meats
  • Offal
  • Rice, Oatmeal, And Buckwheat Porridge
  • Vegetables And Fruits
  • Kefir
  • Eggs
  • Cottage Cheese.

Health and Disease

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is in good health, but is vulnerable to hereditary diseases:

  1. TBS dysplasia.
  2. Blindness.
  3. Cataract.
  4. Hearing loss.
  5. Miscarriage or missed pregnancy.
  6. The risk of giving birth to ugly puppies.
  7. Partial or complete deafness.
  8. Sperm deficiency in males.
  9. Partial or absolute sterility of females.


It is possible to buy a Catahoula leopard dog in the USA. For example, one of the nurseries is located in the Northeast region. The price of a Catahoula starts from $1-1.2 thousand. Sometimes you need to queue up to get a pet.

This breed is prone to a number of birth defects. So, you need to pick a kennel or breeder who can give you all the necessary paperwork for the dog and any genetic test results that might be needed.

Catahoula Leopard Dog: Photo

Dogs of this breed have a variety of coat colors. Their combinations with an unusual eye color are sometimes unpredictable and surprising.

History Of The Catahoula Leopard Dog Breed

The American Leopard Dog, according to one of the assumptions about the origin of the breed, was obtained in the 16th century by mixing the genes of the red wolf and the dogs of the indigenous Indians with the genes of the dogs of the Spanish colonists: bloodhounds and mastiffs. In the 19th century, the half-wolf was crossed with Beauceron, brought to America by the French.

There are several more assumptions about the origin of this species, which differ from each other. According to one of them, the Catahoula came only from the crossing of the red wolf and the Beauceron in the 19th century. The second explanation states that Catahoulas do not have any wolf blood in them. Instead, they have a mix of genes from Molossian dogs from ancient Epirus and Spanish greyhounds. This crossbreeding started in the 16th century. The exact history of the origin of the breed has not yet been found.

The name of the breed is determined by the Indian area where, according to legend, it first appeared. The lake of the same name is located there, and the “daughter of Katahula”, according to the legend from ancient times, hunted in its valleys with the indigenous people.

Catahoula Leopard Dog: Breed Description

The Leopard Hound has a medium to large size, which depends on three breeding lines. The Wright line gives the largest size, the Fairbanks line is medium in size, and the smallest is obtained from the McMill line.

Catahoula Leopard Dog Breed Description

The physique is generally harmonious: slender, toned, muscular. The dog should look light, strong, and energetic. The breed has a well-defined sex reformism.

The exterior has the following standards:

  • The head is powerful with a large skull, has pronounced cheekbones, and narrows towards the nose. Cheeks droop. Teeth are strong and white; bite in the form of scissors.
  • The eyes are medium in size and round in shape. There can be a large number of colors: blue, green, yellow, and brown. There are “glass transparent” eyes. Heterochromia is often found – both different eyes and different colors of the iris of one eye. This is not considered a disadvantage.
  • The ears are envelope-shaped, medium in size, and hanging.
  • The back is straight and strong; the chest is developed, moderately wide; the neck is moderately long and muscular; the tail is curved down in an arc. The body is slightly elongated.
  • The limbs are straight, long, and slender. On the paws between the pads of the fingers, there are pronounced membranes.

Catahoula Character

The Louisiana Leopard Dog is an active, playful, energetic, and outgoing pet. In relation to the owners, he is affectionate, loving, and affectionate. Always attentive and caring.

Catahoula Character

Physical punishment and aggression cannot be applied to the Catahoula, the dog has an excellent memory and a selfish disposition. In the future, with this approach, she may lose confidence in the owner and stop making contact.

The dog is quite independent, can be stubborn, show disobedience, and be persistent and assertive in their desires. In this situation, it’s important to have patience and regularly train and teach, or ask a dog expert for assistance.

Catahoula Leopard Dog Breed Characteristics

Catahoula Leopard Dog: Pros and Cons

Sheds slightly.Not suitable for keeping in a small area, in an apartment.
A large number of application options.Can’t stand loneliness.
Loving and affectionate.Long walks with high physical activity are required.
Energetic and resilient, has high performance.Complex character, not suitable for beginners.
It responds well to training when taught from puppyhood.Susceptible to many genetic abnormalities.
Unique exterior.

Catahoula Leopard Dog: Maintenance and Care

  • Caring for a dog is not burdensome. It should be combed weekly using a brush or mitt.
  • You should not bathe too often. It is recommended to regularly examine the eyes, and rinse them if necessary.
  • Clean your ears once a week or two.
  • The dog’s nails wear down on their own but should be inspected once a month, and trimmed as needed.
  • Teeth should be brushed 2-3 times a week with a special paste, you can use treats designed for this.
  • At the beginning of the summer season, prevention of ticks and insects is necessary.
  • Be sure to regularly examine the paws of the dog, as it may have problems with the joints after intense exercise and active walks.


What to feed a catahoula leopard dog? In nutrition, this dog is unpretentious. It is recommended to use a balanced feed of at least premium class.

You can add natural products to your diet. It can be lean meat, offal, eggs, vegetables and fruits, and cereals ( rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Upon reaching 2 months of age, a puppy can be fed with fermented milk products – kefir and cottage cheese.

It should be excluded: flour, sweet, fatty, fried, salty, and smoked, as well as canned food, potatoes, grapes, and beans.

A well-balanced diet, a carefully selected diet with the right combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, is necessary for the good health of the dog and its full development. Macro- and microelements must be present in sufficient quantities. You can feed with vitamins, or give fish oil on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Puppies are fed 3-5 times depending on age, and an adult dog – twice a day.


The Catahoula Leopard Hound needs education and training from a young age. The dog is very receptive and easily trained to do bad things. The owner needs to immediately take it under control. You should be patient when raising this dog. He is smart but can be very stubborn and rebellious.

Catahoula Leopard Hound Training

The owner must immediately show his leadership and dominance over the animal. Commands should be given in a strict tone, and be demanding. But in no case should you punish the dog physically, violence against it is unacceptable. After completing the task correctly, it is necessary to encourage the pet.

Regular physical and mental training will instill discipline in the dog, and develop its intelligence and abilities.


Louisiana Catahoula is in Good Health

The Louisiana Catahoula is in good health. But it is subject to a large number of genetic abnormalities:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Eye Diseases – Blindness, Cataracts
  • Hearing Loss
  • Pathologies associated with the function of reproduction of offspring: miscarriages and missed pregnancies, sterility of females, and the risk of giving birth to puppies with physical abnormalities.

Puppies with both parents having a merle color are more likely to have genetic problems. You need to remember these things when picking a puppy. If there is a certain predisposition, it is necessary to consult a breeder and a veterinarian.

To keep the dog healthy, it is important to listen to the advice of a specialist and provide them with good care and a well-balanced diet. You must remember to take preventive actions like getting the right vaccinations for your age and treating any parasites you may have.


The Louisiana Leopard Dog is only suitable for people who are well-versed in cynology, and able to choose the right methods for education and training. Only if these conditions are met, the animal will become a perfect friend to keep as a pet.